Visual Field Viewer - Help


This is an experimental system. Check carefully that the reports displayed are the correct ones and correspond to the patient and date-of-exam to which you intended to navigate.

Current Version: 20211017A


The buttons along the top select patients with the corresponding first letter of the surname and display them in the left-most (light blue header) menu column below.

The left-most button, labelled 'TODAY', displays only patients with exams added to the database on the current calendar date.

The right-most button, labelled 'HELP' (as you have discovered), displays this page.

Below the buttons the light blue menu column will contain selected patient or exam lists. If patient selection is by the 'TODAY' button the entries will be in red.

If a particular patient is selected and has exams made today, those entries will also in be red.

If you are waiting for a field to be uploaded for a particular patient, refresh the patient's list of exams by clicking their name in the light blue header at the top of the left-most menu column.

There are five buttons at the top of the menu column:

[ Dual ]
Dual display areas to the right of the menu. The light red (left or port) and light green (right or starboard) areas are for display of reports.
Load a report into the left pane by left-clicking a report in the menu column.
Load a report into the right pane by right-clicking a report in the menu column.
On selecting a patient, if the latest two fields are a matched left and right pair from the same exam, the two report panes default populate with those reports.
[ All ] Double-width horizontally-scrollable display of all L, R and other fields.
[ All L ] Double-width horizontally-scrollable display of all left-eye fields.
[ All R ] Double-width horizontally-scrollable display of all right-eye fields.
[ All O ] Double-width horizontally-scrollable display of all other ( e.g. binocular Esterman or unknown-eye) fields.


There are now three search modes: by patient name or DoB and a fast and slow search by Patient ID or MRN.

Searching by Patient name or Patient DoB (blue box)

The Zeiss system organizes reports in folders named with the patient's name as entered in the instrument and the patient's date-of-birth e.g. SMITH_John19730101. The blue search box searches the folder names only and thus will find any part of the patient name or DoB. If you are searching for a DoB remember to use the format YYYYMMDD, e.g. 19730101 for 1st January, 1973. The search will return any folder with a name containing the search term.

Searching by Patient ID or MRN

The Zeiss system only stores the ID number entered at enrolment in individual files alongside each field report. As there are currently over 40,000 reports, it can take a long time to search the entire database.

Slow Search for Patient ID or MRN (red box)

This is the most complete search for a whole or partial hospital number in the database. To limit the search time to a realistic level, the system only accesses the most recent data file in each patient folder and returns the name of any folder in which the ID contains your search term. Despite this shortcut, searches can take up to two minutes.

Fast Search for by Patient ID or MRN (green box)

To save time, the server carries out an indexing of all patient and their ID numbers overnight. Searching this index is very fast but will not include new patients enrolled on the current day. I think this is a minor trade-off for near-instantaneous search results


This database only has immediate access to fields performed on HFA01 - the newer, network-capable Humphrey. Fields performed on the older HFA02 are transferred at the first opportunity, usually the end of the day.

The system works best in Chrome, a little slow (as everything is) in Internet Explorer (but your login is automatically identified) and doesn't work (as many things don't) in Firefox.